Self-Catering Chalet Rooms
Book NowOverview
Step into the charm of our Self-Catering Chalets – the pioneers of comfort at Sun 'n' Sand Holiday Resort! Freshly renovated with a modern flair, these chalets offer a cozy, 'home away from home' experience for our guests. Each chalet comprises four ensuite individual rooms, providing a perfect setting for families to unwind. Embrace the modern decor and family-friendly atmosphere in these 14 self-catering chalets. Make memories that last at our resort in Mangochi, along the breathtaking shores of Lake Malawi. Your homey retreat awaits!
Max Guests
8 Guests
Bed Sizes
4 Double
Room Price
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Room Amenities include
- TV
- Air Condition
- WiFi Service
- Fan
- Fridge/Freezer
- Telephone
- Kitchen
- Kitchen Accessories
- BBQ Facility
General Information
Car Park, Lounge, Dining Space
Extra Mattresses & Blankets:
Feel free to inquire about extra blankets, mattresses at during reservations or at the reception. We're here to ensure your stay is tailored to your preferences, and our team will be delighted to assist with any additional bedding needs. Your comfort is our priority, and we welcome your requests to make your experience with us truly enjoyable.